Here on this page we have provided Bookshelf CAD Block collection in DWG.
You can see that there are lots of bookshelves in plan and elevation views.
We have provided these DWG models in different types and shapes and you can choose the best 2D model from this collection.
Please note that we are going to add other related CAD Blocks in this category, so you may want to bookmark this page for future updates.
Bookshelf CAD Block collection
We have lots of furniture DWG models on our website and you can download them from the Furniture CAD Blocks collection.
You may also need to download some books to put inside the bookshelf. You can download them from Books CAD Blocks collection.
Where to place bookshelves?
In some cases finding the right place for placing a bookshelf can be challenging.
The first place that comes to mind is inside the bedroom.
But you may want to find some creative places.
Hallway is one of those interesting places. You can mount a bookshelf to the wall along the hallway.
Or you may want to arrange the books around a door frame.
Behind a couch can be another creative space to place a bookshelf.