A rocking chair is the type of chair that will give your front porch a down-home feel, you can find many models and styles to fit any space.
and also Rocking Chairs are provided in different materials. The most popular material is wood but you can find it such as teak and acacia wood.
This model of the Rocking Chair that we provided in the dwg file is made with wood and it contains the pillow .
This model is one of the best and complete rocking chairs that we have ever had. but also you can find other models on our website.
This model is drawn in the 4 views (front , top, back, left) so you can use the elevation and plan view in your autocad cad projects.
This cad block is also colored and we separate the element of the rocking chair by color.
format : DWG
size : 506kb
source : icadblock.com